Profile PictureKenny Smithnanic 🙌

Ecomm Conversion Boosting Checklist

2 ratings

Remove friction, increase value and get more sales this holiday!

I've worked in ecommerce for 10+ year and run thousands of experiments.

I've routinely earned conversion rate improvements of 10%.

I know what works and now you can too.

I compiled and refined 10 years of CRO knowledge into this guide to make it actionable for you to easily improve your site and get more sales.

Recommendations are broken down by the 4 top pages in your funnel:

  • Home: 22 recommendations
  • Collection/Product Listing: 30 recommendations
  • Product Detail: 53 recommendations
  • Cart: 31 recommendations

For each page, I grouped conversion tips by page section so you can focus on one area at a time. The product page checklist has over 50 tips across these page sections:

  • 📰 Above the Fold: Everything you see when the page loads without scrolling down
  • 📷 Image Gallery: Product photos and thumbnails - typically above the product name and below the nav menu
  • ✈️ Product Overview: Everything between the Call To Action (CTA) button and the Image Gallery
  • 🟩 CTA: Everything related to the primary button on the page (Add to Cart or Buy Now)
  • 🔎 Product Details: Most of the content on the page and typically unique to individual products. This is where you really sell the benefits of the product
  • 👨‍🎤 Social Proof: The most important component for converting cold visitors. Should be included liberally throughout your page
  • ⚙️ General: Principles that apply throughout the page as you scroll down.

To make this guide highly actionable, each recommendation is prioritized based on the ICEE method:

  • IMPACT: Measures change to AOV or conversion rate (higher score means bigger impact (higher score = bigger impact)
    • 3- Significant lift in AOV or CVR
    • Moderate increase in AOV/CVR, not part of core use case
    • Primarily UX/UI issue. Causes slight friction. Unlikely to impact AOV/CVR on its own, but fixing several such issues will improve performance.
  • CONFIDENCE: Measures how likely the recommendation is to lead to the predicted impact (higher score = more confident)
    • 75%+ of the time this leads to the desired impact: no test required
    • 25-75% of the time this leads to the desired impact. Test needed
    • This could crush or kill. Must test
  • EASE: Measures how hard the recommendation is to implement (higher score = easier to do):
    • 4- No design or dev needed. Purely copy or image change.
    • 3- Requires design and/or dev but is straightforward to implement.
    • 2- Complex to design OR develope. Likely requires A/B test to ensure max impact
    • 1- Complex design AND dev. Not easy to implement or design. Needs an A/B test
    • Your rating of how closely the site adheres to the recommendation (higher score = more adherence)
    • 3- Nailed It: Recommendation exists on page and maximally contributes to performance. No further work is required.
    • 2- Needs work: Reco exists on page but is not executed in a way that maximizes performance.
    • 1- No adherence: Reco is violated and not contributing to performance
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Page sections
Checklist Items
Quick Wins
Conversion Rate Lift
Page Levels
Product Page Tips
Collections Page Tips
Homepage Tips
Cart Tips
Copy product URL


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Ecomm Conversion Boosting Checklist

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